Mar 27, 2017

Time, Motion & Words

Of Rebecca’s Forsythe’s latest collection, Roman Sky (Turn of River Press, 2016), Joan Tucci challenges “anyone to winnow their (favorite poems) down to a handful. It can't be done.”

Now drawing on as many miles and destinations as bulbs she has planted in her Massachusetts garden (many of which have bloomed), tomorrow night’s featured poet has resumed a career as a childcare provider and roadie, with motorcycle trips through dozens of states with her husband, among other experiences, relations and observations both lingering and wry, shaping a style admired for a clarity and grace uncommon in much of contemporary poetry.

Besides Roman Sky, Rebecca has published Newfoundland Ferry (Turn of River Press, 2010 ) and 2001’s Prairie Morning. Click here for information on her 2011 appearance at Curley’s and audio samples of her musical collaborations with her daughter, Amanda. 
The video photo album below of Rush’s “Ghost Rider” (from 2002’s Vapor Trails) visually enlivens the similarly perception-changing, introspective and regenerative pull time and motion can hold for the writer-as-rider, expressed by the rock trio’s lyricist/drummer Neil Peart, whose own two-wheeled explorations are related in Far and Wide: Bring That Horizon to Me! (ECW Press, 2016), Far and Away: A Prize Every Time and other travel memoirs.

Mar 23, 2017

Higher Learning In Service To Higher Consciousness

As the plight of college students beset with debt exceeds even that of credit card holders and tech mogul Peter Thiel is actually paying future entrepreneurs to quit school, altogether, the latest of seven public programs comprising “Love Action Art Lounge”, the current show at Stamford’s Franklin Street Works, presents a novel, individualized take on academia and what it could offer when liberated from convention. 

Faculty member/poet Ana Božičević (Stars of the Night Commute Commute [Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2009], Lambda Award-winner Rise In the Fall [Birds LLC, 2013]), and artists-in-residence Nina Behrle and Jesse Chun of the Bruce High Quality Foundation University, will lead B-YOU/BUILD YOUR OWN UNIVERSITY, a workshop and
primer on how to create your own institution of higher learning this weekend (subversively enough, just down the street from the UConn-Stamford campus!).

Considering the standard pedagogical process in view of developing a methodology for grassroots learning, Ana, Jesse (an
interdisciplinary/international artist who studies the linguistic and cultural mechanics of belonging) and Nina (whose own ouvre spans sculpture, prop design, and comedy) will encourage participants to balance what they can teach with what they want to know from art, as well as determine what administrative and curricular policies can best support the creative pursuit. 
The Bruce High Quality Foundation University, named after two Bruces who formed the free, educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 2009 while studying art at Cooper Union “guard their anonymity fiercely,” according to The New York Times’ Roberta Smith, forming the collective with other students, “when Hans Haacke, one of the fathers of institutional critique, was still teaching there.”

This program is free and open to the public. 
Franklin Street Works
41 Franklin Street
Stamford, CT 06901

Saturday, March 25, 2017
4-6 pm

Terri C. Smith
Creative Director
Franklin Street Works