Mar 30, 2012

Direction For A Wind That Has Nowhere To Go

Declaration For Your Bones, the latest release from Yuganta Press, collects the poetry of Duane Esposito, wherein he shares decades of grappling with loss, memory, grief and mortality, both as personal and unavoidable universal experiences.

In a culture often all-but-frantic in its dedication to keeping pain at bay, Duane's guest reading of poetry from Declaration, held at Curley's earlier this month--and the discussion it inspired, proved an uncompromising reminder that the things that happen to each of us over the course of our lives, for better or for worse, become an indelible part of us, no matter what we might have in mind. In particular, the introductory correspondence between Yuganta publisher (and academic colleague) Ralph Nazareth and the poet, which led up to this collection, speaks to the honesty and searching courage of Duane's observations.

You can watch Duane reading "Here Are The Days", "Spring" and three other pieces below:

One of the scheduled participants in next month's "Mysteries of Light" reading at the Unitarian Universalist Society in Stamford (see Upcoming Events on the left), Duane Esposito is an Associate Professor of English at Nassau Community College in Garden City, New York and holds an MA from SUNY Brockport, as well as an MFA from the University of Arizona. Duane's writing was selected in 1994 by Diane Glancy for an Academy of American Poets Award and twice earned him a nomination for a Pushcart Prize (2003, 2009). Besides Declaration, Duane has published two other collections: The Book of Bubba (Brown Dog Press,1998) and Cadillac Battleship (Broken Tribe Press, 2005).

Find Duane is in conversation with three other poets on Bill Buschel's Just My Eyes blog here, or comment on his work and contact Duane directly on facebook at

Mar 29, 2012

Introducing Poets at The Lock Works

The Home Theater can seat more than twenty people
The Lock Works' main plaza
PoemAlley now has a second ongoing venue in Stamford where poets, writers and other artists can congregate, share and critique one another's work.

Courtesy of Joe Avalos, a recent addition to PA and Lock Works resident, Poetry at The Lock Works represents a new and exciting, multi-media complement to the downtown intimacy of Tuesdays at Curley's.

One of the amenities of The Lock Works apartment complex (part of Stamford's newly-revamped South End) is an elegant Media Room/Home Theater facility, which affords video projection, A/V capabilities for enhanced live readings, recorded performance art and other possibilities in a comfortable setting, limited only by participants' imagination.

Poetry at The Lock Works meets the last Thursday
of each month, from 7-9:30 pm.

For more information, contact Joe at,
or Jim Janke at Curley's Diner, Tuesday at 7:30 pm:

The Lock Works (across from Fairway Market)
121 Towne Street
Stamford, CT 06902